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42nd Annual Rotary A&C Festival February 15 & 16th 2025


Applications are now closed. Please sign up for next year’s Festival beginning May 1, 2025.
Next year’s Festival will be February 14 & 15, 2026, see you then.


Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club




Best 200 shows in the US Awards (2018, 2019, 2020) from Sunshine Artist

2025 Show Dates & Schedule

10 am - 5 pm Saturday, February 15, 2025
9 am - 4 pm Sunday, February 16, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025
12 pm - 6pm • Registration/Set-up

Saturday, February 15, 2025
6:30 am - 8 am • Late Registration/Set-up
9 am • Area cleared of all vehicles
10 am • Judging
10 am - 5 pm • Open to Public

Sunday, February 16, 2025
9 am - 4 pm • Open to Public

How to Register

Applications are now closed. Please sign up for next year’s Festival beginning May 1, 2025. Next year’s Festival will be February 14 & 15, 2026, see you then.

Important Information

for Artists

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Annual Sanibel Island Arts and Crafts Festival! We are making some exciting changes to the fair layout to assist with the flow of attendees throughout the grounds.


The Annual Sanibel Island Arts and Crafts Festival will take place over President’s Day weekend in February at the Sanibel Community House (2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island, FL 33957). President’s Day weekend is the pinnacle of our busy winter tourist season. Visitors from all over the world crowd Sanibel’s internationally famous pristine white sand beaches, including the affluent, sophisticated art buyers you will meet at the Art Fair. This is a great opportunity to share your art with folks who will truly value and treasure it for years to come.


This highly regarded festival offers you the opportunity to present your fine art and fine crafts in an idyllic setting during the busiest time of the winter season. The Sanibel-Captiva Islands rank among the nation’s top destinations for upper-income visitors and seasonal residents. The consistently high quality of the work exhibited at the Art Festival attracts knowledgeable art lovers and buyers. This festival has all the characteristics for success: location, venue, audience and ambiance equal to the top-ranked outdoor shows nationwide!


We also award cash prizes to artists in several categories, and we treat our artists like royalty! Refreshments, booth sitters, special artist parking, and unparalleled other amenities.  More detailed information is available in the application and files below.


In order to preserve the quality of our show and ensure the best possible art buying experience for the Festival's visitors, we limit the amount of artists we accept based on available space. We feature a juried exhibition process to which we welcome your submission. We look forward to seeing your work!

Galina Lambert,

2019's Creative Crafts Art winner

John Cheer,

2019's 3D winner

Important Information
How to Register
Best of Show Amy Matsumoto, President Bill Letendre, Artist Carolyn Currie & Scot Congress


Presented by Amy Matsumoto (left), President Bill Letendre, Winning Best of Show Artist Carolyn Currie and Festival Chairman Scot Congress

Awards Will Be Given In Three Categories

2-Dimensional, 3- Dimensional, and Creative Crafts

Best of show – Special engraved award + $500 + Unjuried entry to the subsequent show

1st— Ribbon + $400.00 + Unjuried entry to the subsequent show

2nd — Ribbon + $235.00 + Unjuried entry to the subsequent show

3rd — Ribbon + $115.00 + Unjuried entry to subsequent show

2 Honorable Mention — Ribbons + Unjuried entry to subsequent show

Arts & Crafts Festival Standards and Rules

Standard & Rules

1. Exhibit spaces measure 10’ x 10’.  No awnings allowed by order of the Fire Marshal.


2. Spaces may not be shared.  Each artist will be allowed only one space per entry (double spaces granted at the discretion of the show committed due to space limitations).  No guarantee is made for storage space behind or on side of booth.


3. All participants must provide their own display, sturdy enough to withstand crowds, winds and weather conditions.


4. Each artist is responsible for their own booth set-up and preparation.


5. All works of art must be ORIGINAL.  Paintings reproduced from works of the Masters from advertisements and from widely circulated photographs are no considered original works of art and may not be displayed or sold.  All work must be attributable solely to the displaying artist.


6. Objects assembled from commercially sold kits are not allowed.


7. Works exhibited and displayed must include works attributable in style and quality to those submitted for review by the Selection Jury.  Sanibel-Captiva Rotary reserves the right to remove any exhibitor whose works differ significantly from their samples submitted with the online application.


8. Dealers or agents may not stand in proxy for artists. (ID will be required at Check-in and Check-out.


9. Exhibitors not checked in before 8 a.m. Saturday will lose the right to their space.


10. Judging will begin 10 a.m. Saturday.  Artists must be present with their displays during the judging. Artists must personally exhibit their work both days to be eligible for an award.


11. Artists must exhibit during the schedule show hours.  Leaving early automatically forfeits eligibility for future shows.  No Agents or Substitute/Stand-ins are permitted.  YOU, the Artists, must be present at the show.


12. Ribbons from other shows may not be displayed.


13. Booth ID Placards must be displayed on front of booth and visible from pedestrian aisles.


14. An accepted application is a binding commitment to show and no refunds will be made for cancellation less than 30 days from show date (except for documented illness received up to 24 hours from show date).


15. No pets belonging to exhibitors are permitted on show grounds, except service animals.


16. No commissions will be taken on any sales. Artists are responsible for their Florida sales tax.


17. The Art Festival is a family-oriented outdoor show for spectators of all ages. Work exhibited must be in keeping with the atmosphere.  In order to insure that all rules are being complied with, all displays will be viewed by the Viewing Committee throughout the show.  The Viewing Committee has sole discretion to require removal of work(s) which violate any of the rules.  Violations may result in an artitst being asked to remove his/her exhibit from the show.


18. Set-up, parking and registration instructions will be mailed/emailed upon acceptance to the show.


19. The Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club will have on-site security day and night.  However, the Club is not responsible for damage, theft or loss of an individual’s material or personal property.


20. Artist may demonstrate their medium within their booth.


21. If an artist’s display breaks or damages another artist’s work, he/she is responsible for paying for said damage in cash.


22. Space is limited in our fairground area.  No vehicle over 25-ft or trailer over 20-ft will be allowed into the set-up area.


23. For security reasons, all artists and assistants must visibly wear name tags when in show grounds.


24. Jury and Judge(s) reserve the right to re-classify category of application.


2025 Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club

Arts & Crafts Festival

10am - 5pm, ​​Saturday, February 15, 2025

9am - 4pm, ​Sunday, February 16, 2025


Best 200 shows in the US Awards (2018, 2019, 2020) from Sunshine Artist

Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva

PO Box 686
Sanibel, FL 33957




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